If you do not already have a Blueprint PM Tracker set up, please skip to the next step to copy one.  

Even if you won't be actively using the PM Tracker for task management, it will serve as a database for your client list.  

If you're already using the Blueprint PM Tracker suite, you can import your current Sheet using the Add-on.

Importing your existing PM Tracker does two things:

  1. Imports the links to your PM Tracker, Content Mgmt and Outreach Mgmt Sheets
  2. Imports your client list: their names, Drive folder IDs, and Client Workbook URLs

When you import your client workbooks, their URLs will be logged to what was previously the 'Links Budget' (col E) of the Clients tab in your PM tracker. 

If you would like to save your Link Budgets, please create a new column to the right on the Clients tab (col L) and copy them there.

Also important!
It will not import your existing template copies for those clients, but it will write any new template copies to their folders.